Saturday, January 30, 2010
It is scary what I wouldn't do, and what I would do with you. Sometimes boundaries get blurry going about definitions and denying. I don't know how further there is to go but one thing for sure it does put a lot of meaning to cliches and suddenly life becomes full of it. If the presence of one is felt every, single day, how do you think one would fair with the other not around? Dependence, whether emotionally or physically, is rather scary, like walking on clouds not knowing where the next step will bring you.
Sometimes I dream of fears and being let known fear. Waking up to warm arms and closeness does soothe the nightmare, but sometimes it takes a long while to get over the shakiness of trespassing reality into dreams.
Strange days, but it was good talking it out with you.
8:40 PM
Monday, January 18, 2010
Ohh there's something I am glad for, that is webcams. I love love webcamming with Kyun and almost playing charades that way.
It's going to be a financially tough year this 2010. If all goes well we'll be off to my sunny island Tioman in March. If all goes well, she'll be off for exchange over the States and I do plan to visit her there after my exams end (which is June 10 bitch). I have the urge to explore the States (and of course I think I'll die if I'm away for too long).
Plus finally resume driving, or else I'm never going to take it. The only motivation is that I can use the car and it'll be easy for both me and you, no matter how close we stay.
And also, even the Mother asked if I wanted Photography Classes. I really badly do. It is really costly though, 250 for 6 lessons with 3 field trips.
I want to have much more experience with the Canonet. Which obviously spells money, because developing film into a cd is 8$ and film is 4$. That's for 12 dollars foir 36 frames.
You know how trigger-happy I can be.
But otherwise, no qualms about 2010. I'm going to start working, save up money like an old woman, try moving out by 2015 (renting apartments I guess, could be a bitch but it beats buying) with the money. But everyone knows I spend like water. So it's up to the girlfriend to take all my money and dump them where money can grow.
Also focusing hard on my units, which can be quite hard seeing how distracted I can be. No matter! I can do it (:
10:31 AM
Friday, January 08, 2010
Oit! I'm officially not blogging on this anymore, only little snippets. I've moved permanently onto another place but it's for a few to know and none to find out.
(: Really the time of my life.
12:36 PM